Tag Archives: Weird


293 Rich Life.519

Today’s takeaway from Seth Godin’s “We Are All Weird” where he answers the question ‘what does it mean to be rich’ …..

“Rich isn’t a measure of a bank balance.  No, rich means making a choice, choosing an identity and following a path that matters.

Based on that notion, we’re at our best when we’re weird and when we’re enabling others to become weird as well.  (Weird – people who have chosen who have avoided conforming to the masses, at least in some parts of their lives).

If we’re going to demonize, criticize and isolate people who no longer fit our definition of normal, we will fail.  The alternative is an attitude based on respect, the respect we accord to someone brave enough to choose precisely what it is they want”.

Rich and weird – I like that!

Enjoy a rich, weird Sunday


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Posted by on March 24, 2013 in Sunday Takeaways


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182 Weird

Normal or weird – what are you?

What makes you normal?  What makes you weird?

The word “weird” has so many negative connotations, yet a recommended read this week “We Are All Weird” by Seth Godin presents the “non-normal”, the “weird”, as the new norm and I loved it.

In a world that presents us with more information, more choice, more freedom, more interaction, the “norm” is fading.  There is a shift in what we do and what we are willing to accept.  We want the choice, to be who we are and not who we “should” be.

Weird (not normal) means that you’ve made a choice, that you’ve stood up for what you believe in and done what you want.  The key to being weird is that you insist on making a choice.  More and more, that’s precisely what’s happening.”

Think about how people will react when you stand up for what you believe in and start making changes in your life.  They will think (and tell you) that you’re mad, whoopee, different, weird, and that’s okay!  Others, acknowledging that you’re a little crazy will believe you are brave, courageous and full of fun, they will encourage you to go for it.

And, whatever others think or say, they will confirm for you that yep, you are weird.  So draw a line in the sand, stand tall and celebrate your weirdness.  Never let others dampen your motivation, kill your inspiration or make you question your desire to choose your own path and make changes.

Points that resonated with me from the book:

  1. Life is too short to be continually trying to “fit”.
  2. You cannot be everything to everyone, so focus on being something incredible.
  3. Instead of criticising and isolating those who do not fit your norm, respect those brave enough to be different.

I believe you are at your very best when you’re weird and when you are enabling others to become weird.  Yes, you will threaten some, but your weird, crazy, fun behaviors will inspire others to create choice, courage and change in their own lives.

So let go of the excuse that people might think you are weird if you make a change or try something new.

They absolutely will and you will survive it.

Normal or weird?  Maybe you are weird.

Oh No!  Welcome to the club.

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Posted by on December 1, 2012 in Daily Dose


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